date: 2010-11-22 (18:00)
subject: I went for a walk because it was nice out
lj-entry-id: 977,137

I went for a walk because it was nice out - 2010-11-22 (18:00) - Entry 1181 - TOGoS's Journal

It was warm and foggy last night. Today around 2PM or so it hailed and then rained and then was even warmer. I decided to get out of the office for a bit and walked around Monona Bay.

Post-hail rainbow


New place

omg I less than three sunsets

The sunlight on this rock looked cooler in real life.

Shiny windows

Oh and also I went to a Save The Train rally on Saturday. Atticus also showed up, which was cool. We think that Scott Walker would be a big jerk and an idiot if he goes through with cancelling the high-speed (ha ha not quite but still better than nothing) rail project.

We thought that someone should buy the Sierra Club a better megaphone because you could barely hear some of the speakers.

This guy was cool because he had a hat and sign and kept getting interviewed.

This guy was representing the grim reaper and/or Scott Walker.