date: 2010-11-29 15:00
subject: Thanksgiving week[end]
tags: minecraft-dreams, programming
lj-entry-id: 978,104

Thanksgiving week[end] - 2010-11-29 15:00 - Entry 1182 - TOGoS's Journal

Had LAN party with Atticus and Fizz and Armstrong and Joh and CBragg on Wednesday after spending like 2 hours working on CartLib. Then around midnight I got sick, then they all eventually left, then I tried to sleep but some self-perpetuating cellular automata simulation (that had something to do with my Minecraft map generator) was preventing that for most of the night. For a little while I dreamt that I was walking somewhere with A-Day and someone else, and for a while we split up, but we were destined to meet up at some certain point, which we eventually did (near a wooden bridge over a creek).

Later I dreamt about going to a backpack or coat store that my mom had taken me to 16 years ago to finally pick up something she had ordered for me. Along the way I crossed a land bridge (and I'm pretty sure the lake I was passing resembled the one between Jared and Cinny's house in omntland2 more than it did Lake Mendota) where some motorcycler tried to skim across the surface by spinning his wheels really fast. It didn't work and he fell in and got all icy, and maybe I became him as I continued my walk to the coat store (so it was extra nice when I got in and it was all warm inside). The coat store was kind of built into the cliff under where Jared's house would be, overlooking what would be that pool I dug when trying to build that canal. Following that was some weird stuff about catching balls in a network of soft, flexible tubes with tongues at the ends, and then I was in my bedroom trying to talk to A-Day and Julia over IM but having a terrible time because I couldn't find the right keyboard. There was a large trapdoor in the floor made out of cardboard that I had forgotten about for several years.

And I had a dream that I was digging tunnels under Cinny's tower and connected some rooms that I thought should be connected. At first she was upset, but I told her that it was a 3-block-wide tunnel with grass down the center of the floor, and she agreed that that was good. We also agreed that a 2-block-wide tunnel would not have lined up nicely with the attached tunnels.

At some point during the weekend I had a dream about building houses on island in Minecraft with Fizz. I was using steel blocks and glass. The dream was a bit fuzzy about whether the places we were building were real or in Minecraft or in ZDoom.

My Minecraft world generator can now spew trees all over and generate terrain based on a text file like:

    layer( materials.sand, 0, 56 +
           fractal( 7, 10, 10, 5, 1.6, 11,
                    ridge( -0.4, 0.4, perlin ) *
                    scale-in( 0.1, 0.1, 0.1, perlin ) ) ),
    # layer( materials.sand, 0, 56 +
    #        fractal( 7, 10, 4, 5, 1.5, 11, ridge( -0.4, 0.4, perlin ) ) ),
    # layer( materials.sand, 0, 56 +
    #        fractal( 7, 10, 4, 5, 1.5, 11, ridge( -1, 1, perlin ) ) ),
    layer( materials.water, 0, 64 ),

Lots more work to do, but this is pretty neat already. There's a UI for previewing the terrain so you don't have to spend an hour exploring or use cartograph to see kind of what it'll look like.