tags: madison-rapid-transit-dreams
subject: Blue lights
date: 2010-12-04 19:26
lj-entry-id: 979,138

Blue lights - 2010-12-04 19:26 - Entry 1183 - TOGoS's Journal

Friday morning as the cats were joining me on the bed I dreamt that I was driving onto University Avenue at night with someone from the south into Middleton. There was a rapid transit railroad along the north side of the road. Madison had these all over but we agreed that the one along University was the coolest one because it went really fast. We were driving along the road towards Madison and a train was leaving, going the same direction but much faster. University turned into like a country freeway for a while between Middleton and Madison, and we came onto that section, and as we passed under an overpass a sign by the road flashed at us with words like 'SPEEDING, POLICE DISPATCHED'. What was the speed limit here? It seemed like a freeway but other cars on the road were only going about 25mph. We got off on some offramp to try to get away from this goofy 25mpg freeway and its dispatched police, but soon the hills ahead of us were flashing blue and I realized I was getting pulled over. This cop came over and somehow talked us into getting out and handing over the car, which somone drove into the back of a truck, and we got put in the other end and found ourselves with a truckfull of people in the same predicament as us. They drove us somewhere, to someone's house, and then instead of handing out tickets they were trying to get us to write them checks. I got in an argument with the cop about whose time was getting wasted more. I argued that he wasn't getting his time wasted because he could waste 10 person-hours of our time using only one of his.

Corey and Aaron and I drove to Whitewater for their Hackathon. We programmed this Don't Get Crushed game, which turned out really nice. Then we drove back this afternoon. I am very tired and sleepy. It snowed while we were there.

The game is currently at http://togos-ubn.ath.cx/~tog/Hackathon/ballgame/ but I want to push some better levels I worked on at the last minute and move it to nuke24.net. That link I just gave will probably break.