date: 2011-01-27 15:30
subject: More boring dreams
lj-entry-id: 987,250

More boring dreams - 2011-01-27 15:30 - Entry 1192 - TOGoS's Journal

Was supposed to meet Bev and Jerry at a restaurant on one corner of the square (maybe the south one). It was some kind of cafe with a glass front. Other dreams that night were about surviving a ship crash and ending up at a house along a river with a log sticking out the front. The log was attached to some mechanism.

Last night I dreamt that I was walking somewhere with my mom and there were abandoned buildings. I really had to poop so I pooped in my pants (it was dry like hamster poop so it didn't get all over) and took it out and left it on the floor of one of the abandoned buildings. I figured it was OK because the floor was covered with dirt anyway. As we were walking back a police officer stopped is and wanted us to stay there so he could come back and talk to us, and I wanted to run away but my mom didn't. Then I was imagining different places I could run to. None of them had good hiding places.

Sometime during the night or morning (between turning off my alarm and actually getting out of bed) I dreamt that John Carmack had a dollhouse collection. He was showing it to me. Then New York City was sinking and people were getting off into lifeboats.

That song's finally done.