date: 2011-05-18 19:00
subject: Stephen and Renee
lj-entry-id: 999,28

Stephen and Renee - 2011-05-18 19:00 - Entry 1206 - TOGoS's Journal

A few nights ago I dreamt that I was at Schweser. While I was stuck in the conference room in some meeting I drew a really offensive picture of Stephen on the whiteboard. Offensive to him, it was supposed to be. Through the rest of the day I was expecting someone to come yell at me about it but nobody ever did.

I am reminded of the 'foggy capitol tunnels' dream.

I went to Schweser last week for the first time since sometime in 2010. I stopped by Renee's house in the way home with the rental car. We went for a walk in Raymond Ridge Park and she told me to read the Life Of Pi.

I've been pretty unsuccessful at getting up at a reasonable hour in the morning. I'm going to write down my dreams and balance my checking account, etc, in attempt to chill and refocus before getting back to fixing Richard's stupid 'minecart' code, where all the comments are either nonsensical or wrong.