date: 2011-09-02 (Friday) 16:30
subject: Gnome Calendar
lj-entry-id: 1016,11

Gnome Calendar - 2011-09-02 (Friday) 16:30 - Entry 1223 - TOGoS's Journal

I dreamt that I was at my parents' house and was staying up all night. Andrea came over and we were watching a movie in the living room while trying to figure a way to turn the volume way down. The lowest setting on the TV wasn't low enough, but the DVD player had its own setting and when we also turned that down it seemed okay.

Some kid had asked ALF about his space ship, and so he told him but was obviously making stuff up. The way he described it was kind of like a giant pink rubbery teapot. There were slides inside, and a kitchen, and some other cramped rooms. He said that while he was flying through space he mostly ate beans.

The rest of the dreams took place in a park with trees. It was grassy and there was plenty of space between the trees to run around, but they blocked most of the sky, and it was early morning and dark, anyway.

There was this Russian dude who I talked to online sometimes. I didn't really know him very well, but he had picked up groceries for me a few times. He'd gone to fight in a war for a while and was back and for some reason that I didn't know everyone else seemed mad at and was avoiding him.

I was feeling bored. Or unmotivated to work on any projects that I'd been thinking about recently. I started walking or jogging down a nearby road and thought of the Hello Seattle Remix, except it morphed into a different song. I wanted to put it together in Reason but I just had a bunch of Linux machines (in the dream, the laptop I had at home was the one at the rents' running Ubuntu, not the Windows 7 one I actually have). I sat down to write some e-mails or to write down about ALF's spaceship and things or maybe IM with the Russian guy. Andrea was there with me and I asked her what the date was, but the date that showed up on her computer made no sense, as the day-of-month part was in the 40s. I finally found one date that made sense, over on the right side of my Gnome desktop, that said it was September 5th. I assumed that that one was correct (after I woke up it was only the 2nd).