subject: Pot solder, arctic base, online exams, bike steal, bike
steal, 3-level bridge
date: 2011-09-28 01:38
tags: bike-dreams, wendy-dreams, stress-dreams
lj-entry-id: 1017,42

Pot solder, arctic base, online exams, bike steal, bike steal, 3-level bridge - 2011-09-28 01:38 - Entry 1224 - TOGoS's Journal

I started this entry on September 8th with the subject "Pot solder, arctic base, online exams". I don't remember anything about the arctic base (though it does sound like something I'd dream about), but I do remember at one point I was soldering a handle onto a frying pan (inspired by a frying pan with a twisted handle at my parents' house), at one point thinking that the solder would melt as soon as the pan got hot, and then deciding that actually it wouldn't. The online exam dream was about having missed an exam for the Stanford Into to AI course, which in real life hasn't started, yet.

Sometime in the past week I had a dream that I thought was interesting enough to tell some people about, but I took so long to write it down that I've now forgotten. The following night I had similarly interesting dreams that I talked about even more and still remember:

Mapping out an area from a book that Andrea and I both liked. It was all paths through a corn field with 90 degree corners and maybe a bridge over a small canyon. We were kind of in the story as we were doing this, and some other people and maybe a robot showed up. There was some issue I was trying to solve which made it a little bit stressful. This part ended by us exiting a building, and blended into the next part:

We left a building and came to my parents' house, where I looked for my new bike and didn't find it where I had parked it in the garage. Wendy was there (I guess she lived with my parents in the dream) and told me that she had cleared things out of the garage and parked my bike (my new green cargo bike) in the playground across Hammersley (there was a playground in the middle of the Pacifist Cycle parking lot). Of course it wasn't there, so I assumed it had been stolen. I spent the next what seemed like several hours trying to fill out an incident report online and yelling at people about how I had just had a bike stolen and didn't need this crap (which was weird because they always smiled back, unapologetically explaining their actions in an annoyingly friendly way), and then got distracted by:

The city was upgrading the bike bridge. It now had 3 decks, one above the other, with grass on the top as I would let grow if I were building a Minecraft bridge, lights all over, tubes that you had to climb through to get to any of them, and staff on hand to assist people with the tubes. My mom had tried it and thought it was interesting. I wondered how people were supposed to bike across it, since the tubes were too small and too vertical (they seemed to have ladders inside) for bikes to have any hope of passing through.