tags: subway-station-dreams, skyscraper-dreams, stairway-dreams
date: 2011-11-26 (15:55)
lj-entry-id: 1030,20
current-music: Way Out West - Mindcircus (Gabriel & Dresden Mix)

2011-11-26 (15:55) - Entry 1237 - TOGoS's Journal

The Death Star had a lake inside. Darth Vader had some aircraft carriers delivered so he could drive them across the lake. I was there in a construction ship (unknown to him, I hoped), and at one point was racing (not really racing, but moving fast in parallel with) the carrier from the other side of some islands. Since it was inside the Death Star, it was very dark in there.

I was going to some kind of recall-related event, and it was in a building on the northeast side of the square. I found the building and was going up the stairwell, but someone had apparently screwed up when putting the building together, because every floor I went up, the ceiling got closer to the top step by over about 2 feet. After 2 floors there wasn't enough space to squeeze through. Fortunately I found someone who knew where I was supposed to go and directed me to a room that I could get to without going up the ridiculous stairwell. I ended up in some large room with a bit complex shape, like something I'd come up with in ZDoom. There seemed to be stadium seating along at least one wall, a wide platform in the middle where a lot more people were standing (this is where I was), some kind of gray blob hanging from the ceiling, and another blob in a pit next to the platform. People were yelling angrily (about the Governor, I think, not at each other) and there was much excitement. We made the blobs transform (as if this was some combination political rally and physics experiment/demonstration).

Outside the building I was thinking about or talking to people about some amendments to the U.S. constitution. One had already passed, but we didn't think that one would help much and were trying to get another one. I don't remember what they were, but probably something about corporate personhood and trying to get their money out of elections.

After leaving I learned that Brose lived in that building, and I wondered how he dealt with the goofed up stairway.

I ended up at my parents' house, and they told me that they had bad news and wanted me to watch something they'd seen on TV. My first thought was that some TV reporter had some video of me at the rally that would make me look really dumb. I went into the kitchen and wondered how they thought I should watch it. There weren't any tapes around. Then I realized they had a DVR and found the controller for it. I couldn't figure out how to show TV, though. I was hitting some button that I thought was input select, but it just kept flipping to different paused movies. Finally Dad came in and showed me to push some other button, and I started complaining about how dumb it was that there wasn't just an input select button. But as I was saying that I wondered if designing it that way would make the thing too complicated if you had to route video signals in more complicated ways, because each component would have to have its own input select.

Then apparently I wandered outside for a while, because I came back in through the front door. It was dark and as I reached the top of the ramp a black cat brushed by my leg. I came inside and my parents were sitting in the living room and asked me if I had seen a cat. I told them I had, and they said, "Oh, that's (some name). He wanders through our yard all the time."

I went back into the kitchen and was making myself a sandwich or something, because I was standing next to the island. I was talking to someone about having walked all the way up the stairs of the Taipei 101. That came up because I'd been talking about not being able to go all the way up the stairs in Brose's building. In my imagination the Taipei 101 was round with vertical ridges, sort of like one of the Petronas towers.

I was talking to some guy and must've mentioned moon colonies or something, because he then said "I'll wait until we can take a space highway." I thought about how that might work, and was imagining feeling the different G forces as one would feel driving along the highway as it twisted and turned through space.

And then I was back at the subway station (the station felt like in the same geographic location as the lake in the Death Star), trying to figure out which tunnel I needed to take to get to my train. A nearby electonic sign started talking and reminded me why I was there. I walked over to it just in time for it to switch into movie theater mode, in which it showed previews for various movies on a screen, and before you could pass through the gate (after which there was another tunnel with a moving walkway and a bunch of stores on each side; I could see people coming in and out and walking around I stood there) you had to wait until after the preview for the movie you were going to see was over. Since I wasn't here for movies I had to wait until all the previews were over and the thing switched back to train station mode, which was much less noisy. As I walked along the tunnel I was with someone I knew, maybe Karen Scott, and a couple of station workers. I was complaining to them about how quiet the signs were and how "das blinkenlights" didn't do anything useful when the sign was in station mode.

The tunnel led to a pair of outdoor walkways. You could pick either one and they would eventually lead back down into another tunnel, so I picked the right side (I had been on the left when it was inside the Death Star). Between the walkways was a big empty concrete area with some scattered machines, sort of like a building rooftop. A whole bunch of Walker protestors and occupiers were there walking with me, mostly silently, and we were all listening to Rachel Maddow. She was talking about how we needed a better communication network that would link every human on earth, noting that it wouldn't make much sense to try to number messages sequentially, which I took to mean that there wouldn't be any central database. And this made me want to get to work on DOGNDS.