date: 2011-12-10 10:00
subject: Hoverboards, spacetime portals, and all my friends in one time and place
tags: back-to-the-future-dreams, time-travel-dreams, hoverboard-dreams, flying-machine-dreams

Hoverboards, spacetime portals, and all my friends in one time and place - 2011-12-10 10:00 - Entry 1238 - TOGoS's Journal

I had a hoverboard. Unlike the ones in Back To The Future, these ones could fly you as high or far as you wanted to go. One thing I liked to do in the middle of the night was to fly up really high (right around the point where the composition of the atmosphere changed significanly and it got darker, though it didn't seem like more than a few hundred feet up) and then pee on the roofs of buildings that I didn't like with impunity.

I wanted Fizz to go hoverboard adventuring with me. The plan was to take our boards and fly out over this nearby forest, taking supplies for the day so we could stop and have a picnic somewhere. He had his own hoverboard, which was larger than mine. So I talked him into it and we got all ready, but then I couldn't find my board. Normally I just threw it down on my bed somewhere, but it looked like my mom had 'cleaned up' my room and misplaced everything. There were stacks with things that looked like my hoverboard from the side, but none of them were it. And I couldn't just go out and buy a new one because they were only available in the future and I didn't have a time machine! But just as I was giving up hope, some fateful event occured that caused me to find it. At this point in the dream I was being Marty McFly, but the bedroom where I was looking was my own old red bedroom.

I wasn't sure what was up with these fateful events, but at first I thought they were tied to the events that occured in The Movie.

Next we were flying around in the DeLorean, with the wheels pointed downwards and turned into rockets. Since we were passing right by a military base I warned that we should watch out for missles. At which point I guess we just flew off to somewhere else.

The first place we ended up was some university whose mascot was a vine or an oak leaf or a vine-covered tree or something like that. I supposedly had several friends and family members that had gone or were going to school here. We were having a sort of reunion party in a building that was layed out like the entry way loop at church. I was learning about how I'd met my wife here and all these different things that our family had done over the years. I don't know what the date was, or if it really even mattered, because I think these people had also done a bit of time travel back and forth. Either it was the future or people had come from the future because there were a lot of futuristic gadgets around, including a pair of those inflatable, self-drying shoes, and everything was awesome. It was almost like we were all living outside of time, like the Eternals in The End of Eternity. I met the older version of myself (who looked kind of like Abe from work) and I said that it seemed like that stuff about seeing an alternate version of yourself causing a universe-ending paradox seemed like a lot of baloney. He said that "yeah, I'm pretty sure he was just making stuff up." Which I knew he was going to say, because that's just ths kind of thing I would say.

But time travel wasn't easy enough that we could do just willy-nilly. When we did time travel we did so using glowing blue and red holes in space, like those in Portal. I wasn't sure how they were created; I just used them. There was the danger that if you threw yourself into one of these but didn't jump far enough or pointed quite the right way, you'd only fall halfway through and find yourself in a gray limbo. This happened to me when I was trying to dive, horizontally, through one that was a few feet off the ground. Fortunately A-Day had gone just ahead of me, and reached his hand in from the other side so I could grab it and be pulled out.

The next place we ended up was a town with a river through the middle. This was where my alternate-universe mom used to live, and had been a shooting location for the movie. I figured it was just a set piece, so the river wouldn't be as long as it was supposed to be. As we walked north along the shore, we came to a place where the old house was supposed to be and I was told that it just wasn't there any more. I guess it'd been built on some fill that had washed away. At this point the river turned sharply eastward and we walked through a mall and an enclosed walkway that was built on the shore. Eventually we came to a bar built out over the river where I got some New Glarus beer and maybe some ice cream. And then we walked back. It wasn't near as far as it had seemed in the movie.

I was trying to get back to the place where all my friends were. I wandered into some university building whose layout seemed too complicated, with lots of courtyards and overpasses and things. Normally the complicatedness would be awesome, but I'd been travelling through time and space trying to find my friends again and was getting frustrated. I saw Andrea out a window and we waved at each other as if to say 'let's meet over there', gesturing towards where we thought the nearest stairwell was. But I reached the stairwell and walked down one flight of stairs I found the exit at the bottom had faded out of existence and been replaced with a blob of concrete. I had a hunch that Andrea and I had slipped into different parallel worlds. Because that's what happens when you do too much time travelling.

I eventually found my way outside, only to find a group of people walking by the garden (there was some corn growing there) who I'd met earlier but who now didn't recognise me. I felt lost.

While my brain's not playing Colony 5 on loop I've been thinking about this a bit.