date: 2012-01-09 15:00
subject: Non-canon salad, skipped TA party

Non-canon salad, skipped TA party - 2012-01-09 15:00 - Entry 1239 - TOGoS's Journal

Sunday morning I dreamt that I was at a beach next to a concrete wall (there was a longer story behind this that reminds me of a dream I had many months ago about trying to find a hotel at the top of a hill, but I don't remember any details) and there was a cat there that looked like Yoru but was scraggly and sick. Then someone turned Yoru into a salad, thinking she was the other cat, and I spent a while trying to figure out how to reconstitute Yoru from the salad. Eventually I figured out that that was unrealistic, but instead I could basically revert the changes by declaring the dream non-canon. Which apparently worked because I soon woke up with a purring kitty next to my face.

Last night I dreamt that I was having a party. Fizz and Joh were over and we were playing some ZDoom levels. Fizz and I wanted to play TA, but Joh had this TMNT card game that he wanted to play.

But then I had to take off to go on a road trip with Mom and Dawne and the kids. I was really sleepy the whole time and when we got back I wasn't sure if I'd been awake during the drive home or not. I went to watch some old James Bond movie with Andrea.

For some reason my legs were cut off above my knees. The biggest effect this really had on me was that it made it easier to sit in a chair 'cross-legged', though I sometimes wondered if I could get some mechanical lower-leg replacements.