date: 2012-04-07 (Saturday)
tags: minecraft-dreams, road-trips
subject: Minecraft highway dream, road trip with SoS

Minecraft highway dream, road trip with SoS - 2012-04-07 (Saturday) - Entry 1258 - TOGoS's Journal

Had a dream about a highway I was building in Minecraft with CBragg. There was a 2m-wide raised path like I used to make all over, and maybe we were putting tracks on it. I remember dealing with a bunch of dirt and stone blocks and trying to make a tunnel near one of our 'stations', and Carole showed up at some point.

Today I got up early to bike to Doug La Follette's house and we drove to Oconomowoc so he could give a short talk about why he'd make a good candidate for governor. On the way we stopped so he could pick up new hearing aids. Mike McCabe made a really nice talk before Doug got to that made most of Doug's points. Mahlon Mitchell gave a talk, too. I don't remember that it was really about anything specific. As I remember it was mostly jokes.

We drove back almost as soon as Doug was done giving his talk.