subject: Identical Elephants
tags: chase
date: 2012-04-14 (Saturday) 18:00

Identical Elephants - 2012-04-14 (Saturday) 18:00 - Entry 1259 - TOGoS's Journal

Spent some time this week doing a cheap elephant puzzle with mom. Also:

Doug La Follette declared that he's running for governor. I wasn't paying a huge amount of attention at this point.
Recall election certified. I wasn't paying much attention to this, either, though Fizz asked if I had heard the great news. I was like "oh yeah, I saw that coming."
All-nighter to work on TUN2UDP (similar to last week when I created LuaTUN, which I later decided was an overcomplicated solution to what I wanted to do and it'd be easier to simply forward packets to a Java program that would be my simulator).
After staying up all night went to do coffee duty at church. Tried to circulate some Doug La Follette petitions but got yelled at.
Stopped by Roger Sage's office in the morning to turn in about 12 signatures that I'd collected from rents and coworkers. Roger wasn't there but his legal assistant was, so I left my petitions with her. After work I met Amy from OkC at Gino's on State street and we ate pizza and then went to the Chocolate Shop and ate ice cream cones.
2012-04-04 (Wednesday)
Went to a bring unity meeting thing with mom. Got a couple more signatures. I e-mailed Doug in response to a post on facebook to say that I could go to Milwaukee for something with him.
2012-04-05 (Thursday)
Doug had left a voicemail, so I called him back and he asked me to help collect signatures Thursday and Friday, so after I got to work I headed down to the square with my clipboard full of petitions. At first I didn't know what to do. I tried standing on the curb and yelling to crowds of passerbys, but that didn't work. So then I tried approaching some people directly and that worked a lot better. A lady came up next to me and said hi, and I had to ask if I knew her, but it was the girl from Roger's office. I talked about signature collecting strategies briefly. Went back to the office eventually after asking Jared if they were waiting for me.
2012-04-06 (Friday)
Came out to collect signatures again. Got the idea that I should ask out law office lady while she was out on her lunchbreak. But when I saw her she was also out collecting signatures, and that tripped me up because I didn't want to make things awkward in case we kept running into each other. I didn't catch her before she went back inside, so I asked Roger if I could see her when I went up to turn in signatures and he 'introduced' us. I got her number. Wooooo! Texted her and later we decided to go eat at Vientiane Palace next Friday.
2012-04-07 (Saturday)
Biked to Doug La Follette's house but got there early and admired the view while waiting for him to finish his morning exercises. Then I drove him to Oconomowoc (in his Subaru) so he could give a 5-minute talk at some forum. After we got back I biked back to work and drank some coffee and stuff before going back to the square and collecting a few more signatures.
2012-04-08 (Sunday)
Got a few at church. Kate showed up with some dude. Finally brought the hose back outside and did a bit more gardening. Went down to State Street and had some relative success getting signatures with my new sign. Left them with Roger, who was standing around outside his building. It was cloudy. Came back and had Easter dinner with the folks
2012-04-09 (Monday)
Took the day off to collect signatures on campus. Students were not very receptive, though, so I walked up and down State Street for a few hours. While I was passing Ian's I tried to talk to some guy but then Chase waved to me from inside and I waved back and got all excited and the guy wandered off without signing. I went in and said hi and showed her my new clipboard-back sign she showed me her official Doug La Follette sticker one. I kept going until about 4:00 at which point I was out of talking energy and just wandered up Bascom Hill one last time (where I ran into Atticus and got a signature out of him). I came back to Roger's office and signed and turned in my petitions. Roger said that some other collectors were giving me a run for my money, but I was probably 'up there' signature-count-wise. I ducked into Chase's office briefly to confirm that I'd see her Friday and promised to talk about things other than signatures.
2012-04-12 (Thursday)
Picked up my bike from Revolution Cycles and bought a new hoodie from American Apparel.
2012-04-13 (Friday)
Met Chase. Dinner was nice. Then we went to the Great Dane and drank some things. I hope I get to see her again.
2012-04-14 (Saturday)
Went canvassing with Mom, then took Heather for a walk. It's hot and sunny. Chase is all I can think about..