date: 2012-08-20 13:00
subject: Wedding, tide lake

Wedding, tide lake - 2012-08-20 13:00 - Entry 1274 - TOGoS's Journal

Attended Ben's wedding over the weekend. I recorded the ceremony.

Fizz and A-Day and I came back to Madison on Sunday morning. It was a long day of naps and tea parties and watching Breaking Bad.

Last night I had a dream where I was moving into some university town near the ocean. There was a lake there that had intense tides. I asked how that was possible and someone told me that the lake was linked to the ocean via some caverns, which then became apparent to me as the water receeded. I was there with some friends (maybe Fizz and A-Day or Ben) and a girl who I had just met.

Later I was in some parking ramp wearing a 'wind suit', which I guess cut down on air resistance so you could run faster. People would come by and I'd duck into the stairwell and go to another floor because I didn't want them to see me wearing the wind suit.

I was looking at pictures I had taken from the passenger side of a car as someone drove me down some made-up road in town, with scenery that made it feel like Regent or University. I had taken several in quick succession so it gave a sense of motion, but there was a chimney that seemed to get farther away as we approached it. I wondered if that was because we were on a curving section of road at the time, and was looking more closely at the pictures trying to figure out where that was. I ran the pictures and some other ones from a wooded walking path near the same road through a program I had written back in college that would analyze the pictures by figuring out what the terrain was and joining them together to turn them into the environment for an adventure game like King's Quest. At the end of the path there was a mossy, stony hilltop that looked really cool with the sun and trees and buildings behind it, and the program had added an acorn dispenser. I got excited that my program could add things like that on its own and I was trying to show Carole.