date: 2012-08-27
subject: Amtrak, house cleaning, secret airport window exit, hurricane in Madison
tags: railroad-dreams, airport-dreams, hurricane-dreams

Amtrak, house cleaning, secret airport window exit, hurricane in Madison - 2012-08-27 - Entry 1275 - TOGoS's Journal

A few nights ago I had a dream about riding trains all over the country. I'm not sure if I was just riding or if I had taken part in building them. I think A-Day and Fizz were with me.

On Sunday I had no social activities scheduled, so I decided to work on cleaning my house. I got to the bathtub and realized I should caulk up between some plastic panels where the grout had fallen out. Got on my bike and went to the hardware store. Got some caulk. Got to the counter and realized I didn't have any money. Got lent 10$ by a lady outside, bought the caulk, gave 6$ back. Got home, removed some more grout, caulked. Got caulk all over my hands and cleaned it up with the help of Castile soap. Got the bathroom cleaned. Watched 2nd-to-last episode of Breaking Bad season 2. Threw out a bunch of old broken/partially missing containers that I never use to free up some cupboard space. Uploaded pictures of my friend's wedding to facebook. Went running. Ate some ice cream. Thought about making my projects page all metro-ey.

It was a good day, I'd say.

Then I dreamt that I was going through some airport on the way back from some trip, it felt like. There were these rooms off to the side of the terminals where you could stay by yourself, and someone showed me that there was a key hidden under the carpet that you could use (once you did something specific from Windows Admin Control Panel) to open the window and climb out onto a big earth moving machine that was sitting out on the run way and then drive it around the building. It was like an adventure game.

I also dreamt that I was at my parents' house and there was a hurricane coming. It was going to be blowing down trees and telephone poles and stuff but they were confident the house would be fine. I wasn't so sure.