date: 2012-09-08 (Saturday)

2012-09-08 (Saturday) - Entry 1280 - TOGoS's Journal

I had a dream that there was a Home Depot and an REI down in Oregon. There was an X-Files episode that I was trying to rent on DVD and for some reason thought I'd find it, there. It was the continuation of an episode where some guy was sitting in a chair yelling "No, not the shining!" But all I was finding was a bunch of different saws and shovels and tents.

I brought some friends down (I think joh and/or CBragg were included, but I think also some people I didn't know as well) in my Geo and we parked a ways away from the store so that we had to walk along railroad tracks under some highways and stuff to get there.

In another part of the dream there was a large area paved with cobblestones near a lake. There was a depression in it about the size of my yard where people would sit around on the sides and someone would make a speech from the middle. But the water level was going to be rising, so the whole thing had to be raised up to the level of the surrounding pavement. Workers were picking up stones and adding gravel under them and putting them back.