date: 2012-09-19
subject: Documentation lag

Documentation lag - 2012-09-19 - Entry 1281 - TOGoS's Journal

I have a to-do item in my timelog file that says to write down about various hinted-at dreams and other things that I've documented on facebook and OkC but not in here. So here goes.


Towards the end of this dream my family and I, along with a group of other people, were camped out on a string of school busses at the bottom of some big, snowy hills. There was some rapid glacier action going on. Like, sheets of ice movig really fast, and snowballs flying around. I was watching this in amazement from a bus window. Then a giant snowball came hurtling straight towards me. It was coming so fast that I knew I wouldn't be able to get out of the way (being on a crowded bus) and just stood there and waited for it to hit me, knowing I'd be squished and dead.

Rather than experiencing non-existence, I then found myself still alive on a slightly different place the bus with no giant snowball in sight.

Airport toilet

I was going to catch a plane to somewhere (boy, I have a lot of dreams like that). I had to pee. I found a bathroom. There were 3 toilets. I sat on one to pee. There wasn't anywhere to set my backpack down so I set it down inside the toilet, where it got all soggy.

The one I had last night

I've no idea what that was about.

Date with Renee's friend's friend

What it sounds like. I was worried that we might run into Renee at some point.

Also write about stuff that you've been noting on fb/okc

Okay, so here's other stuff (not dreams) that's happened in the past few weeks: