date: 2012-10-10 (Thursday)
subject: Stuffs

Stuffs - 2012-10-10 (Thursday) - Entry 1285 - TOGoS's Journal

Dreams from this morning:

There was some minecraftesque bunk bed complex that I was staying at with Heather and Abe. We kept climbing around to other people's beds, which were attached to a beam in a short, squared U shape that hung off the side of a building. The structure was large enough that it felt like you were 'inside' in your bunk, even though it didn't have walls.

It turned out Armstrong was gay. He and his partner (some tall Japanese guy) had made a bunch of dubstep tracks. They handed me a disc of them. But it looked like a can lid with notches cut in the edges for decorative purposes. I didn't know how to play that!

I somehow caused an ink flood in my bathroom. It was dripping from a pipe in the ceiling onto one thing, which was dripping onto the floor. I was trying to find enough towels to mop it all up. All the water was black. Some got on my library book and was dissolving the cover, so I wiped that off as quickly as I could.