date: 2012-10-06 (Saturday)
subject: Jupiter Dream

Jupiter Dream - 2012-10-06 (Saturday) - Entry 1284 - TOGoS's Journal

I had a dream that if you looked at Jupiter real close (and I guess we could only do this now because we were on a space station orbiting it) you could see that what looked like cloud patterns were actually lots of little iridescent computer/solar panels arranged into triangles which were arranged into circles which were arranged into triangles, etc, etc, until they made up the pixels on the 'surface', which I guess were maybe a mile across, but the scale wasn't obvious. So we figured someone had built that, but we didn't know who. I was really confused about if it was rocky underneath or if it was just all floating in the atmosphere and how deep it was and stuff. Maybe we were going to send probes, but it was scary to think about.

 Panel arrengement
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