date: 2012-10-31 (Wednesday) 14:00
subject: Down Vest
tags: minecraft-dreams, tgl-dreams

Down Vest - 2012-10-31 (Wednesday) 14:00 - Entry 1287 - TOGoS's Journal

On (I think) Sunday night I dreamt that I was going on a road trip with Simon, but we were unoficially caravaning with a few other people. I had been driving all fast down a McKenna-like road and stopped at a gas station, where a girl that I was remotely interested in (I guess I just thought she was nice looking) also turned in to gas up her car. She was always wearing red/brown life-preserver jacket (like the one Marty wears in BTTF, but less bulky). Our destination was a tunnel that we were helping to build. It already extended for quite a ways, but needed to be extended further and rooms along the way needed to be furnished. The correct tool for digging through solid stone was a saltine. But we also used dynamite, because I had pockets full of it.

Last night I dreamt that I was playing a video game that Barack Obama had written when he was young. It was a shoot-em-up, similar to TGL in some ways (you collected blue orbs to refill your energy), but you could (and had to) change direction (to any of up, down, left, or right) sometimes, sometimes turning back and take a different route. At first the game had really small, primitive graphics and was frustrating because my bullets didn't seem to be having any effect, but it got better and looked more like TGL as I played it. This all took place in my bathroom. I think there was blood on the shower curtains.