date: 2013-01-21 09:00
subject: Delta Lodge!!!

Delta Lodge!!! - 2013-01-21 09:00 - Entry 1304 - TOGoS's Journal

Dreams from this morning, when I kept tossing and turning because it was cold in the house because we left the window open (originally opened to let Sauna moisture out) and because Devin and Libby kept making cuddling noises:

I was hiking around downtown with Tricia downtown. There were these narrow stairways and railings that we'd walk all over and she said she liked walking with me because I always managed to stay right with her, even when she did difficult steps. As we were crossing a bridge to the east side I managed to say "I really miss walking with you," which was true.

I was awoken from my dream about walking with Tricia to hear Libby asking Devin "How old are you?", which was followed by a silence, and then "Too old." and "how old are you?" "Too young." In response to this exchange I made 'bear sounds.' And eventually (after one of many tossing and turning sessions) I fell asleep again and dreamt that I was at CBragg's house trying to fix her web site (it had some security hole and a virus that I was trying to root out), but a party arrived and the party made it impossible to work, and my inability to fix the problem combined with my annoyance at everyone there for ignoring my needs (to get dressed and to talk to CBragg about her computers) put me in a mood to give up entirely, and at that point I left and went with one or two other people (Devin? Libby? CBragg? Tricia?) to shop for a toilet. The toilets were being sold out of the back room of a convenience store, and they were all in the form of a drinking fountain. I did not like the design of any of them, not even the one with features I was looking for (a butthole squirter), and particularly not the ones without it (which looked identical to a normal drinking fountain, leaving me confused about their function; the holes in the drain grating were only of the regular drinking-fountain size; not nearly big enough to pass poop unless it was extremely runny or pulverized, and these simple models had no jets with which to accomplish said pulverizations. Perhaps they were intended for use only when the pooper had dirrahoea).