date: 2013-01-28 (Monday) 12:30
subject: Lego leg pipes
tags: lego-dreams, minecraft-dreams, tricia-dreams

Lego leg pipes - 2013-01-28 (Monday) 12:30 - Entry 1305 - TOGoS's Journal

Was with some folks from the outing club, visiting some guy in Alaska. His house was a bit tilted since an earthquake years ago.

Still with some outing club people (pretty sure Tricia was there; maybe some others), and Alex had sent me a video about some Minecraft place he was working on. It was a large dark cavern world with glowing red and blue pipes everywhere, countouring the walls. It looked really neat. The pipes were made out of these hydraulic Lego robot legs. The pieces were flexible and their bending could be controlled by a computer and came in two forms (hot color/cool color; the ones we had in the room with us were yellow and blue) that were designed to fit together at the ends. We were builing a spider-like robot that would pull itself around by them.