date: 2013-03-24
subject: microsoft-dreams, programming-dreams, earthit-dreams, andrea-dreams

microsoft-dreams, programming-dreams, earthit-dreams, andrea-dreams - 2013-03-24 - Entry 1309 - TOGoS's Journal

There was an article on Slashdot about some new language from Microsoft.

The designers said they wanted a language that would be around for a long
time, but everyone was like "Psshyeah like VB6!"  My dad was there and
had the same sentiment.  The syntax was really awful looking, too.

    upvalue ";"
            ";" do something
            ";" do something else
            ";" other stuff

The article title, the way it was written; \"someone made fun of it.\"

In other parts of the dream I was hanging outside an electrical box on a
utility pole, fiddling with a power knob which was directly controlling
the volume of my speakers which were playing some cool tune and probably
bothering my neighbors, trying to figure out what piece of rubber was
missing that would connect two perpendicular sheets (to shield some cables),
and thinking about whether I really wanted to leave EarthIT, as I had just
gotten an offer (I don't remember actually having an offer but it was implied
by the situation) from Abe's company.  Everyone would be all sad that I
was leaving.

The neighbor behind me had removed his garage and replaced it with a shack
with windows in the back.  I tried to wave at him but he didn't see me because
he had turned his back.

Mom found something Andrea had written on the all about cats website.