date: 2013-04-08 17:11
subject: Stuffs

Stuffs - 2013-04-08 17:11 - Entry 1310 - TOGoS's Journal

Over the past few years (but especially the past few months) I've gotten out of the habit of writing my dreams down regularly because it's so time-consuming. I've had some interesting ones but they're buried in IM logs, if documented anywhere.

Oh, but Becky just reminded me that last night I dreamt that I had to take an econ class. The teacher was drawing charts on a whiteboard and I was frantically trying to copy them down even though they didn't make sense. Which was partly because I had jumped in in the middle of the course. I think I was taking this because it was required for me to take the motorcycle riding class with Devin.

In other news, I've been working on the TMCMG v3 engine a lot recently, and also a little bit of merging people's changes to TMCMR, and working on SchemaSchema, which is kind of a work project but not for any specific client, so it's almost like working on my own fun project. Fizz is visiting since last night for Wendy and Atticus's wedding, which I wasn't invited to because they're bitches. I'm having a party tonight to which Becky and/or Jordan are wavering on whether either of them will have time to come, but to which several other people somewhat unexpectedly have said they would come, if only for a little while. I need to go home and start making hummus. Becky just stopped by and fed me a giant vegan cookie and now I feel very over-sugared.