date: 2013-10-29

2013-10-29 - Entry 1333 - TOGoS's Journal

We were trying to figure out a machine.
It had all these little square beads suspended in a grid of strings.
If one could arrange the beads just right, it would help solve some fundamental equation.
There were at least 4 of us.  Some hipster, our lawyer-type guy, some middle-aged lady, and myself.
One night I gpt a call from the lawyer-type guy.  He said that the hipster had been talking to the lady.
"He sees her as a philosopher", he told me.  Oh, and he had made some progress with the machine.
I came over to check it out.  Everyone else had left.
The machine was generating music based on the arrangement, and it sounded good, so I knew this was a breakthrough.
I found a page full of the equation that corresponded to the arrangement, and I started converting it to polar form.
I was having a hard time concentrating or remembering how to convert things to polar form.
(When I woke up I recreated part of the music as 2013/demuse1/demuse1a.rns)

There was a room full of physics students.  It was dark and they were quiet,
Sometimes when I went in there I could hear someone talking really slowly in an almost inaudibly deep voice.
Eventually I figured out that people were time travelling through that room.
And eventyually I joined them.
The top half of the front wall had an opening through which you could go out into the world.

I was standing around outside with a few other people.
There were some trees and maybe a parking lot to one side of us,
some flat gravelly ground and a steep hill or a cliff in the opposite direction.
This landscape continued linearly.
It was very windy and getting windier.
I got the idea to bury myself under the gravel, saying that 'this is how Blossom might successfuly cope with the situation'.
But then one of the people stepped on the gravel that was over me and it was hard to move and got out of there.
I decided I needed to build an underground room.
Someone else had already started it.
There were concrete walls and beams, with parts of the floor and ceiling being exposed packed earth.
I shoveled a bit to flatten out the floor and ceiling, and thought about reinforcing the ceiling.
It was a very nice little bunker.