date: 2013-11-10

2013-11-10 - Entry 1334 - TOGoS's Journal

Some island I was building on in some Minecraft-like engine.  I had
built a tower on one end but after having been working on the other
side for a while (it was a grassy hill and I guess I was cutting some
paths through some tall grass or something) I looked back and didn't
see the tower and was confused.  But then it showed up again, as if
some cache hadn't been properly invalidated.

Playing Messy game.  Eat different things, get exploded when you die and things go everywhere.
Stopped playing.  Was hanging out with Stephanie on a 'beach'
actually like a sandbox in the middle of a city
if there was any water nearby it was a small creek that you could jump over
there were burnt pieces of wood and gravel all around
I was rubbing on Stephanie's back trying to interpret her response
I felt really hot so I took off my shirt
Went to talk to some Navy guy.  He talked about being stuck in a hot ship.  I was glad I wasn't stuck in a hot ship.
Stephane and I were walking back along the edge of the sandbox to our spot.
She stopped to pick something up.  I was glad I was with her.