date: 2013-12-04
tags: earthit-dreams, office-dreams, bike-trail-dreams, tunnel-dreams, date-dreams
subject: Dreams about stuff

Dreams about stuff - 2013-12-04 - Entry 1335 - TOGoS's Journal

Becky and I had been biking a bit on the military ridge trail, which was nothing like the real trail (except that I knew it went to Mt. Horeb and Dodgeville), but was reminiscent of previous dream incarnations of it. This version of it started out near the top of Elver park and passed through a short tunnel just west of Madison.

I was at work. The office did not resemble the new or old office or any other dream incarnation of the office. Rooms had relatively low ceilings and there were no windows to the outside, but were all brightly lit. Jolly was having some trouble with Git. I sat down with him and Josh at the kitchen table. It seemed like his trouble was based on not understanding how the commit graph was constructed, so I was trying to explain that, but he got all mad and told me that he understood that part; it was some error message from the Git client that was troubling him. I looked at his computer and determined that there were some DLLs missing and started asking how his Git had been compiled.

This left me feeling stressed, so I got on my bike and biked around the path near the top of Elver. There were some loops there, so I could just sort of play around without going anywhere (which I never care to do in real life). After a couple of loops around I decided to go through the tunnel and on to Mt. Horeb, because I felt up to it. Then I remembered that I had a date that night with some celebrity. Maybe it was Avril Lavigne. I knew I was already late but rushed home anyway to see what I could do. Some fan had made a YouTube video calling the guy who missed the date something along the lines of "some jock meathead". Obviously he knew nothing about me. From my bedroom window I saw a really sporty looking car (it was black, shiny, and had lots of angles and vents) park across the road from my house. At first I thought it was my date, but then LPA got out. I went out to say hi to LPA.

Several weeks ago I dreamt that I was at work. It looked more like the old office than the new one, but even more closely resembled the new-new office from a dream I had maybe a couple years ago. Scott was still working there and I got got into a very heated argument with him. I called him a lot of mean names and acted out (like I punched his computer or something). That got me fired. I immediately got on my bike and went to Woodman's, which apparently was a subsidary of EarthIT where I used to do IT work, and where I figured nobody knew I was fired yet, so I could...get some last bit of work in, or use their computers for ray-tracing, or something. After a bit of that I went back to the office to collect things. I was going through binders and hard drives trying to figure out what was mine and that I needed to save. I was stressing out thinking about how I was going to find a new job or finish paying off the house without one. Towards the end there may have been hints from Adam that I wasn't necessarily being fired.

After I woke up I slowly realized that I hadn't actually been fired and I could stress out less.