date: 2014-09-04 07:00
subject: Thunderstorm

Thunderstorm - 2014-09-04 07:00 - Entry 1363 - TOGoS's Journal

Shaina whimpered all night because she was sick.
The cats darted across the bed and hissed at each other.
I covered up with the blanket when I got cold.
There's been quite a thunderstorm outside.
Sometimes the lightning would just keep repeating.
That may have been a dream.
I felt bad for the critters outside.
I planned to build mounds with embedded pipes
that they could hide in when it was cold and/or wet out.
In the morning, after Shaina left for class, but while it was still dark outside,
I decided to play Bionic Commando.
Like the old days when I would play video games before heading to work.
I realized that Legacy of the Wizard's background shadows were automatically generated
based on a 3-bit height map.
Well, there were 7 possible heights, from -3 to +3.
I assumed they used 3 bits for this.
I told my dad.
I was told the story of a guy in the Navy during WWII.
They had to take their ships through narrow passages sometimes.
Having been told a cool story, this was a lot easier to remember
than the stuff I was studying for school.

Back in real life, it's getting light out, and still raining, though it seems to be slowing down.
Good thing since I have to get myself to a hand appointment at 11:00.