date: 2014-09-09
subject: New Mac Mini today?  And a dream about a software cracking shop full of weirdos.

New Mac Mini today? And a dream about a software cracking shop full of weirdos. - 2014-09-09 - Entry 1364 - TOGoS's Journal


I had a set of dreams before Shaina woke up and turned the lights on. In one we were on the Titanic. In one there was a school bus and we were on a circle off Schroeder road with plastic bags full of groceries or something, and I think some kids from school were there.

My alarm went off and Shaina turned the lights on and started studying in bed. But she left the alarm going off every half hour because she kept dozing off. I slept with a pillow over my head.

After she left for class I went back to bed and fell asleep for about an hour. This time I dreamt that Shaina and I were at a birthday party for some relative of her's. We were sitting in some chairs outside and she was talking to some other people and pretty much ignoring me and I was sitting there eating food and playing 2048. The sun was setting and I saw the skyline of the nearby city looking super cool so went over across the road to get some pictures. There was a cliff with a series of railings (some of which were temporary wooden ones because apparently the cliffside walkway was under construction) and then a bay, across which were several tall buildings glowing in the sunset light. I had put my camera in 'wide' mode and took several pictures. As I was about to leave, a guy with a red 'Unreal Engine' shirt walked by. I commented that "that's a pretty sweet game engine", and he said yes it is, and invited me to come to his office with him.

I followd him into a building, through some metal doors and up some stairwells until we came to his office. The main room was shaped like a "1" and the walls were lined with tables or desks with people working on computers. Immediately several of his coworkers came to greet me. A couple of them obviously had down syndrome and kept shaking my hand. Others were just plain weird, including a bald man with glasses. There were also several relatively normal women working there in addition to one or two more awkward, nerdy looking ones. My original guy seemed busy talking to people and from that and his relatively put-together appearance I got the impression that he was the boss.

"So you guys build games, I'm presuming?" I asked. Mr. maybe-boss responded that no, they just reverse-engineered and cracked games made by others. In any case, this seemed like an interesting bunch, and I sort of wished that I worked here.

When I fianlly stepped out of the building I fiddled with my camera settings (it seemed I may have been shooting 'phone'-shaped pictures instead of 'wide' ones) and wondered what time it was. I looked up and saw the sun low in the sky and my sense of time passing since I took the pictures from the cliff and the stillness of the street led me to believe that the night had passed and it was now early morning. But surely not that much time had passed. Even though the sun now seemed higher than it had been, I concluded that it was still evening.

I got a text from one of the company ladies asking me to join them for dinner, so I started walking to the restaurant. While I walked I received a text from Shaina telling me that "oh no my [relation] died at 37. :(". I decided to continue with my dinner plans.

I got to the restaurant. We had a long table along the right wall. It seemed like a nice place. There were large potted plants behind the booths. The dream ended as we ordered drinks and waited for more people to show up.

     kitchenette or smaller office
  _________|__|_   over this way
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 |______      desks
maybe   |       |
 another|       |
  office|       |___________
  ______|       ...desks... |
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