date: 2014-12-17
subject: Bleach

Bleach - 2014-12-17 - Entry 1373 - TOGoS's Journal

There was some road tripping.
We ended up at this bulbous building made of pink clay.
It was a habitat for martians.
It wasn't clear if we were actually on mars or not.
But I thought about what it would be like to live here, and how self-sufficient it was or wasn't.
How long could they survive without resupply from Earth?

Anyway, after that there was this part where Shaina told me about how she used to huff bleach.
So of course I said "then I will huff bleach, too!".
And I did.
Actually it was more like spraying bleach spray on something and then licking it.
Then I felt sort of drunk.  It was interesting.

And then I was playing Total/Planetary Annihilation against someone.
It was more Total-like because the world (or at least the region in
which we were playing) was not very spherical.  But we were on a long
north-south island, and I was at the south end trying to build up my
economy while getting wiped out.  I had wanted to escape to another
island off to the east (I felt like the Martian building was on that
island, too) and had spent all my metal building a railroad across the
ocean, which the other guy was now destroying.  So with my last bit of
resources I decided to build a few construction planes and just fly
them over, but I think he destroyed them before they could take off.