date: 2015-07-03

2015-07-03 - Entry 1393 - TOGoS's Journal

I dreamt about, uhm.

Oh yeah, I was having a party.  Or several of them.  From the relative
positions of walls and stairs it seemed I was having it in my parents'
basement.  I had had one party already, in the play room
(placement-wise it was the play room, but it had more the texture of
an unfinished basement).  I had spent most of my mental energy placing
speakers and a mister and some strobe lights and all the power strips
and other equipment to support these things on a wire shelf.  The party had gone okay.

Later I was repeating the whole process, but in a different room in
the house, in preparation for another party.  But I should wait until
Shaina comes home!  I thought.  Then I realized that she'd been back
for a while already.  But I needed to make sure this was her party,
too.  Why else would I go and have another party right away?  To get
rid of the extra food?

The day after the first party, Moriah and Jason and I (and maybe
Shaina, though that wouldn't make sense as she was still in Ireland at
the time) had gone on some day hiking trip.  There were some rocky
hills and stuff ('mountains' in my mind, though they weren't that
tall).  It had been fun.