date: 2015-09-20
subject: Enterprise Captain Abandonement

Enterprise Captain Abandonement - 2015-09-20 - Entry 1405 - TOGoS's Journal

So on Sunday morning when I was camping
I dreamt that I had gotten out of the shower and looked in the bathroom mirror
and I had no face.
"Ahh, how nightmarish and awful!" I thought to myself.
And then I realized that because I was looking at this reflection, I must have eyes.
Therefore it was entirely nonsensical and I must be dreaming.
"What should I do that would be cool?"  I thought to myself.
Thinking too hard on this subject didn't feel cool, though.
It just felt like trying too hard to imagine something.
So much for that.

So then I was on the Enterprise.
Star Trek ToS or TNG crew, I don't entirely remember.
We were getting into a battle with Khan or something.
The shields were down, they were lasering us pretty hard.
Pieces of the ship flying off everywhere.
Kind of hopeless, it seemed.
A shuttle (in my dream it was square with slanted windows, as if for sight-seeing)
left she ship to save the day.
I was aboard with a few other people.
Not sure what was in mind.
We ended up at Target, on Earth.
There was some beer festival going on or something.
We were driving around in someone's convertible.
"Let's go get ice cream!" someone said.
Blue moon came immediately to mind.
"But what about the Enterprise?!" I asked, confused.
"Are you abandoning your captain?"
"They'll be okay without us for a while" was the answer
from our driver with a goatee.