date: 2016-02-09
subject: Dreams from Florida

Dreams from Florida - 2016-02-09 - Entry 1417 - TOGoS's Journal

Still in Florida. I am excited to get home and see Sara. <3

We got kicked out of Jenny & Joe's apartment because Joe was sick of us monopolizing the living room and then I bled all over their floor. So we ended up at a Motel 6 with no fridge or microwave and WiFi that you have to pay for each day for each device, which was kind of a bummer. But there's a Starbucks nearby, so I'm just living there for our last full day.

Some dreams had over the past few days:

First or second night of the trip I dreamt that Moriah and I had dated years ago and then forgotten about it to the point that we became friends again (in the way that we did in real life) without realizing that we had dated before. As the dream wore on I realized that I was getting her mixed up with Reknee because they both played frisbee. This seemed to take place as I was wandering around the frisbee golf course at Elver.

I was at Delta Lodge. Big John was there, too. I was thinking about how much I liked being on that trip and also thinking about Fall Colors (my dream version of it, anyway, which has diverged quite a bit from what the actual trip is like over the years). It was our last night and I told him I could stay there forever, though I missed my cats and Sara. Then Sara showed up and we hugged and it felt so good and we just kind of melted into each other.

For some reason David (of David & Ricky) Nelson was hanging around with me. Apparently he was really interested in property taxes now, and he also talked about his impression of me in middle school (much more flattering than he let on at the time, which was just that he wanted to kill me) and told me that I was his only friend.

The day after that dream Renee and I visited the Cat Depot in Sarasota, and there was a cat there whose face reminded me of those twins. He had the same look in his eyes and the same colored fur. And he was kind of an asshole.

This morning I dreamt that I was at work talking to Don about wanting to dig tunnels all over the neighborhood to connect to friends' houses, and he was all like "I've already done that!". It turned out one of his tunnels ran right under the one I was digging, so I should just connect to his system.

But after some talking it turned out this was only a virtual tunnel system. And at least it was a nice 32-bit program written in C using mode 13h instead of one of those crappy old NES ones with no memory, but still, a virtual tunnel system was not nearly as exciting to me as a real one.

I spent the rest of the dream exploring the possibility of building a room in my parents' attic.