date: 2016-02-13
subject: I had my everything
tags: obama-dreams

I had my everything - 2016-02-13 - Entry 1418 - TOGoS's Journal


Apparently I was dating some girl. Sort of. Like we had gone on a few dates and it was kind of ambiguous how much we actually liked each other. She'd hang out at my parents house every night while we worked on different things on our computers without talking to each other. Over a weekend I didn't hear from her at all so I went and stalked her at (but this girl was not Jamie Utphall. She was like a doctor or something) where I saw that she had updated her profile with this line at the top:

I had my everything but I couldn't bear the sadness

(of something something)

I thought maybe I should e-mail her and apologize for all the not-talking and being boring, because I'm not actually like that. But then I wondered if I was really that into her or if I just didn't like being single.

I was doing this on my laptop at my parents' kitchen table and realized that I had brought my nice gaming mouse from home to make computering all easy. Obama was sitting at the east end of the table (as if it had been pulled out from the wall and some shelves removed so that there was actually a place to sit), and when I looked over he said "Hi Dan", because he remembered me from the early days of his presidential run.

There was news that he had assigned a bunch of scientists the task of figuring out why people are such douchebags (basically) and what could be done about it. There were images in my head of people driving off cliffs, that being the obvious metaphor for what we're doing to the planet. The government was sending out surveys to everyone in an attempt to better understand the douchebag problem.

Up woke up at 6:30ish but that dream had put me in a weird mood. I texted Becky about and then turned over and slept more.

For some reason I was working at a desk in Wal-Mart. It was built into a wall under a window into like the employee lounge or something, and my back was to some shelves. I don't remember what I was working on, but I remember that as I was trying to pack up to leave I had two different power bricks and they both had very odd voltages labeled on their sides and I didn't know which one actually went with my computer.

We had a cage full of mice at my parents' house. I had the door open to feed them or something and a couple of them (out of 3) escaped. So then I was running around trying to catch them. It was difficult because they did not want to be caught. There was something about one of Heather's workers out by the yard signs along Hammersley; maybe they were helping me catch the mice. Except they were now cats, and somewhat easier to catch.

I was ice sailing for some reason. It was a little too easy to get going really fast so I was trying to figure out how to slow down and turn and tack.

The last dream was a flashback to a time Shaina and I had taken a 'vacation' and stayed at Oakwood for a few days. We had stayed up on some high floor of the main building, but now I was staying in this 'barn room'.

                  |                            |
                  |      'barn'                |
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                   closet     |_  _|
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                _______|     |____   ________________________________
                ____________       ; music-listening spot 
                            |     | |__________________gallery_______
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 ________                   |     |
|        |                  |     |
| chapel |                  |     |
|        |          ________|     |
|         ;        ;              |
|________| courtyard|             |
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The rest of the dream took place in the building with the barn room. There was music playing, and I recognized it as being from Faxanadu, but as I was standing by a doorway waiting for my partner (we were like cops or something, I guess? And he was coming down the hallway towards me with someone else but had stopped to look at the old technology gallery) I listened closer and noticed how nice the sounds were. It didn't sound like music the NES was even capable of making, and I wondered what kind of tricks the programmers had pulled to get it to sound so good. There was one track (they were just being played one after another) that had a nice harp sound, and another had a nice thumpy kick drum.

I like it when one song plays for most of a level, not this jumping through the whole soundtrack constantly, I said to my friend, who agreed. Maybe on one level it could alternate between two tracks, but only after several minutes of playing each one.

I had a pamphlet about all the different gods and how to go about praying to each one. And I walked to a chapel at the north corner of the building. There were a bunch of people praying there. I wasn't sure if I was supposed to join them or not. They seemed to be wrapping up. This was the place where Shaina and I had found Gus. And they were both with me then, and we walked back out the door into the courtyard and Gus (still a little puppy) ran off around the building while Shaina and I went 'ohhh nooo'. But then we saw him running up the hill to the north and we walked after and called to him and he came back. Except now he was grown up, but he had a really tiny head so it kind of looked like his neck just tapered to a point. That's kinda weird, I thought.