date: 2016-02-29
subject: It's the ho o' yer boat!

It's the ho o' yer boat! - 2016-02-29 - Entry 1420 - TOGoS's Journal

"It's the ho o' yer boat!"

Said the captaion as I crawled into the lowest deck, which was a
system of claustrophobic concrete tunnels.  What if someone climbed in
behind me?  Would I be trapped in here?  But I found that it was easy
enough to turn around at junctions.  And there were a lot of
junctions.  You wouldn't've guessed that this was at the bottom of a
ship by the way the tunnels zig-zagged.

The ship had just docked after coming back from, like, a supply run,
or something.  It was jointly owned by the community, hence the
captain calling it "yer boat" when I got on.

I had been off building a ramp out of lego train rails before that.
There was some kind of mechanism supposed to slide along, but the
earlier design of the ramp wasn't symmetrical, so you couldn't have a
wheel on each rail.  The second rail was just kind of incidental, on
top of a wall, and had a bunch of bushes growing on it.  So I was
rearranging things, tearing down the wall, and fixing that rail to
match the one on the other side.  What was this whole contraption for?
I have no idea.