date: 2016-10-25
subject: Scuba poking

Scuba poking - 2016-10-25 - Entry 1441 - TOGoS's Journal

Biked home from Sara's place around 6. It was cold. Had no gloves or hat.

Looked into some BetterMD thing. Then took a nap.

Dreamt that somehere around the Union there was a big glass window into Lake Mendota. The water was super clear. A guy from my diving class came by and invited me to join him for a dive, so I went over to the dive shop (which was in the same building) to get geared up but I didn't know where anything was. I did find my swim suit there, though. Guys finished their dive and came back in and I was still hunting for a wetsuit.

Also there was a part where I was biking somewhere and I found my bike helmet on the ground even though I was already wearing that same helmet. My helmet repair man came by and we were negotiating his fee, which I had no idea what it should be because he'd also done a bunch of work on the house, apparently. My bike helmet kept disappearing and reappearing in different quantities.