date: 2016-11-26
tags: road-tunnel-dreams
subject: Ice tunnel highway, escape from crazy guy

Ice tunnel highway, escape from crazy guy - 2016-11-26 - Entry 1447 - TOGoS's Journal

2 or 3 nights ago, dreamt that I was on some kind of road trip. I was riding in the back seat and didn't know where we were going. We were driving past a city with mountains behind it. There were some skyscrapers scattered around but no obvious central downtown. There were no other cars on the road and we kept accelerating faster and faster. When I looked out again we were driving through a section of city that had been bombed out as far as we could see. Then the road descended into a groove and there was a layer of ice covering the buildings that got thicker and thicker until we lost sight of it because the road entered a tunnel.

We kept speeding along and I couldn't tell what direction we were going or how deep underground or how fast we were moving. Eventually we started going upward through a section of tunnel that looked like it was going up into a spaceship. But we ended up in some office building. It had old-fashioned radiators that we sat on and everything was painted olive green. I sat around while the people I was with did paperwork. It was dark outside the windows but I could see lights in the distance.

Some dream in between that I wanted to write down but can't recall right now.

First night sleeping at the farm I dreamt that I was hanging out with some skinny black-haired guy I had known from highschool. I was staying at his house with him and his girlfriend, but it soon became apparent that that was a mistake, because he would have these fits and was trying to keep me from leaving. I managed to escape by hiding around a corner when he was coming after me and hitting him with a bat. Or half a bat.

Later I had to repeat that escape but with other people with me.

This afternoon during a nap Sara dreamt that she was in some cafeteria kitchen and had to threten to hit kitchen Andrew in the face because he kept trying to get a date with her.

And then she was on vacation with her family and me. We were somewhere out west, and ended up in a little tourist town. Except there were these poor kids everywhere who were supposed to be there to help you, but if you turned your back on them they'd steal your stuff. They all got free stuff, including hot chocolate. We couldn't get to our hotel room because of all the people in the way. "this sucks as a tourist spot" said Sara to herself. At some point she was trying to back up the car and I was outside getting in the way.

In another Sara and Nica had a truck and were trying to load some stuff on it to then drive off. As soon as she started driving the stuff started falling off and Sara had to jump out to keep it from falling. Some guy in another truck was obliviously backing up right into them. Sara jumped out of the way and all the stuff fell on Nica. Oblivious guy was like "what did u do".