date: 2016-12-29
subject: Egg delivery train

Egg delivery train - 2016-12-29 - Entry 1451 - TOGoS's Journal

Somebody's dad was a chicken farmer and had hired a small group of people including myself and Becky+Ehren to ride the egg train to wherever it was going. This was a pretty big production and we had to do a lot of planning and a few practice runs. We would load the eggs onto the cars in the back of the train and then ride on top of the train to guard it. This was easy enough during the practice runs but the actual train had stacked containers and was twice as tall as our test ones. The top container stuck way out in back.

                Us, riding on top

_______      ____o__  o   _o_____      _______     __
\      \____/       \_(/\/       \____/       \   /
 |__                                          |   |
    \  -----------------------------------    <   >
     \_________       --------------------    |   |
 Big old       \______________________________/   \__
 sticky-outy    /     \____/       \____/     \   /
 part           \                             |   |
                 \    --------------------    <   >
                 /    --------------------    |-_-|
                _\____________________________/   \__
                (o)(o)                   (o)(o)

This trip took like 3 or 4 days, so we would take shifts on top so others could go inside the car (with all the eggs) and sleep. As we rode I would take pictures of my friends. Which reminded me that before we started I should buy some AAs.

Early in the morning on the day of the real trip we got ourselves to the train station, which was a bit out in the boonies but had its own little restaurant and shop. The inside of the shop was a square loop and I went around the whole thing before I finally found the AA batteries next to the yogurt. The AAs cost 15$ for a pair. I will just get one, then, I decided. Then the checkout counter was in a sort of hidden spot. I had to go behind one counter but in front of another to get to the checkout area, where I ended up accidentally buying several pencils and erasers. Some of the erasers were the kind you put over the end of your pencil, but 8 of them were the kind that go into the pencil, with a long pin sticking out to hold them there.

From the eraser snafu I ended up in a drainage ditch grappling with another homeless man (I was homeless myself). We were supposed to fight. But we didn't fight hard enough to really hurt each other. But, it being winter, our beards were freezing and we were very cold so we stopped fighting. I dragged myself up onto a road where it crossed the ditch, and I was trying to eat a sandwich, but there were sprinklers in someone's yard there that kept soaking me. I complained loudly and the lady who lived there apologized and moved her sprinklers so they were out of phase with the good sandwich-eating fence posts.

"You are such heroes and look so hot!" people would say after watching the movie that was made about our egg-delivery trip. But it wasn't really us. We were represented by computer-rendered Final Fantasyesque characters. I was some buff half-Asian-looking guy with black hair who didn't smile much.