date: 2017-02-10
subject: Assad takes over my castle

Assad takes over my castle - 2017-02-10 - Entry 1457 - TOGoS's Journal

Becky and Ehren's house had a basement, but it was a split-level, so then it also had a lower basement,
but then it also had an even deeper, sort of hidden basement under the first one.
This lowest basement was this big cavernous unfinished space that had been
<a href="entry:1429">part of Joh's basement</a> in a previous dream.</p>

<p>I worked in a food cart which at the moment was parked on Reetz Road across from my parents.
There was a Russian lady who I work with who was worried about being 'an adult',
which somehow got defined in terms of what you're worried about and actually means middle-aged.</p>

<p>There was a 'north continent', like from FF7.
It was snowy but the snow was melting.
Sara and I had a castle there.</p>

<p>Standing around on this soccer field to the south with Sara and a lot of other people.
Then we heard bombs falling and started running.
We heard a helicopter behind us and figured it was shooting at us,
so I was mentally preparing to be dead.</p>

<p>Somehow I escaped that, but no longer had Sara with me.
I was on my bike biking all fast on these paths though a park.
But I was going so fast that I couldn't stay on the path through the turns
and was going all over the grass.</p>

<p>I got back to our castle, but it had been taken over by Assad.
So I was acting like a reporter asking him questions as he got into his plane,
presumably to go bomb more people.
I had my own plane, though, so I was going to follow behind and shoot him down.
The World Is Growing Loud started playing.</p>