date: 2017-02-07 (Tuesday)
tags: dungeon-game-dreams
subject: Down with Big Brother

Down with Big Brother - 2017-02-07 (Tuesday) - Entry 1456 - TOGoS's Journal

Work holiday party last night. Had 2 margaritas. I think they did not agree with my ability to fall asleep later at Sara's house. It seemed like I tossed and turned all night trying to get sufficiently comfy. Was somewhat relieved when I finally managed to doze off long enough for some half-awake dreams.

In one I was coming to the realization that the Zoo was not between a couple of lakes in Madison, but rather was off towards Mt. Horeb somewhere. Which explains why it always took so long to get there. I was explaining this to my parents, complete with a map of Madison showing where I had always thought the zoo was, between Lake Wingra and Monona Bay. My dad thought this was hilarious and in his laughter let loose a few F-bombs.

I woke up enough to realize that that was a bunch of BS and the zoo really was where I'd always thought it was, on the shore of Lake Wingra. I drifted into another dream where I was at a bar waiting for Sara so that I could tell her about this. I had already had those 2 margaritas so I ordered a cup of tea. The bartender thought that was unusual but gave me one. It was lukewarm but delicious.

I had built a first-person dungeon game that was complete enough to show off. I think I had won some minor award for it. A news crew was panning across one of the blocks that I had out for display. It was a cube with a white ceramic 'brick pattern' on the sides.

Later I was at my parents house talking about the dungeon game while imagining cutting a circular hole in the ceiling around the light fixture. The game was designed to have an 'infinite dungeon' (reminiscent of the one in this dream from a month and a half ago). Heather asked why the dungeon had to be infinite, and I said "You gotta have an infinite dungeon." Which is to say, I just want my game to have that.

Later dream: I was staying in a hospital for a few days for some minor surgery or something. I had my laptop with me so I could work on stuff. But somehow I got caught up on some kind of mission with this guy dressed up all black bloc and with a witch hat. I followed him down some stairs and outside, not knowing where we were going. He planted a big bomb and some hay bales to look like an airplane on top of this one hill so that he could make an excuse to call in an airstrike. There were all these old people and little kids swarming around it for some reason, and then planes came in and dropped a crapload of bombs. The bombs were white with a red stripe around the end. The guy took off his mask and showed his stupid smiling mustachey face; it was some general who I didn't like. Why did I follow him.

I was leaving church and yelling about how much Dianne Feinstein sucks towards a family getting in their car. They were trying to ignore me, but then I said "and fuck Donald Trump, too!", and then they smiled at me like yeah. I went on to include Paul Ryan and Scott Walker in my rant, too.

I was at a basketball game what seemed like the same arena from another dream where I was supposed to fight people. I got handed a microphone that would address the whole room, so I started up again on how "Scott Walker sucks and is a terrible person". It turned out Scott Walker was sitting across from me, and I saw him get up (he was wearing a light blue shirt) and start coming towards me. "Okay, so before Scatty gets a chance to knock me out, let me finish by saying fuck Donald Trump and Paul Ryan, too!" I walked off to the right and ended up in the aisle of a hardware store, where Scatty caught up and took a swing at me, but he was slow enough that I was able to dodge and push him back. When he came at me again I tripped him and he ended up face-down on the floor, so I jumped on his back and pushed his head under a broom and dust pan that were hanging on the wall. I pushed him back and forth with my feet and said "let's get your face nice and clean now" in the voice I usually use for dogs.