date: 2017-05-17
subject: Sometimes I think you're more in touch with my subconscious than I am

Sometimes I think you're more in touch with my subconscious than I am - 2017-05-17 - Entry 1462 - TOGoS's Journal

2017-05-02: Some dreams that I told Fizz about

I was in Prague again, but then I remembered that I had flown home already. Therefore it was impossible for me to still be there, and I was dreaming. I looked out the window and let the landscape outside change to whatever I wanted. It turned into a sunny valley with a river. I woke up a little bit but then I guess I fell asleep again. Later I dreamt that I was down in that valley, and we were playing Junko. Except instead of being like playing Doom it was more like we were going for a hike. On one side of the valley was a steep wall and a stairway up along it. I guess that went to some lookout tower or something. But then we were distracted by some missles shooting across the sky because we had failed to disable the launchers. Which meant that everything was going to get blown up and we lost. Better luck next time. I was proud of that feature.



I was sleeping at Sara's house this morning. At some point early in the morning Sara got up and went to sleep on the couch because she was restless and thought she was bothering me (she was not). Then I fell back asleep.

I was back in Prague, but this time Sara had come with. I wore just a blanket into the airport so that they'd give me less trouble as I went through security checks (this actually worked).

Later (after going through security and futzing with my MP3 player) I was with a group of friends in a mall somewhere in Europe. Luke was there, and he was leading the group because there was some place he wanted to show us. This mall had several floors, so we spent a lot of time in stairwells. Eventually we came outside. We walked along a lakeshore, and then through an archway in someone's yard to get to the road on the other side of a row of houses. But when we turned around we saw that from this side, the house was a big shiny commercial building.


Dreamt something about hanging out with Rseding, and a parking ramp. We were having lunch together and a nice discussion about some part of the Factorio code.


I stopped by the rents for a visit, and my mom told me to make Timmy help me clean. While we were cleaning he said he wanted to burn the sticks in my backyard. I said we can't burn sticks unless we have a proper fire-pit party. So I went and bought food and invited a bunch of people. For how short notice it was we had pretty good turnout.


Either this morning or the previous I dreamt that I was at the grocery store, or sorting some cards, or some mundane thing. And I was feeling...uprooted. Like I had lost a sense of my purpose.

For Mother's day I came over to help my mom plant plants after church. I told her about my dream of feeling detached from things, and she said "that's strange coming from someone who's getting married in less than a year." She donated some plants to me in a wheelbarrow to plant at home. When I got home Joh and Timmy were about to go to the conservancy to run, so I went with them. We also went to Culver's (I got basically a turtle sundae in concrete form, which was a good choice) and a place with pull-up bars. Afterwards we came home and I finally planted my new plants.


After work I came home and was starting on reading some MB87 or RRR or something, but then Moriah called me. We talked about how's Seattle and I mentioned my feeling-detached dream, and she said I should try writing 3-5 pages or so of thoughts every day, 3-5 pages being 'a good amount to get past the surface stuff'. I was about to try that today but then started writing down all these dreams and things instead because they've been on the to-do list.


I get to do Dennis's job now, woo. I think this made me feel empowered or something. I started rewriting his stuff. I think I have a plan. But it was also nice out and I wanted to walk, so I went for a lot of walks today. I will walk around on those paths tonight with Sara. Maybe we'll go by those pull-up bars. It may rain on me as I bike to Middleton from WW Barriques.

I think I need to vent. About these pointless readings. And not wanting to have a pig roast at my wedding. And why would you even think that I would want that.

And the tree simulator needs to become a real thing. as part of Game21 or whatever. I should be able to fit that in there, right? Also, I was talking to Fizz about dreams I used to have about buildings falling over, elevators getting stuck, and the stairs to the basement going missing. Which in those dreams I then have to do a bit of a scary adventure, climbing through old, nearly-forgotten spiderweb-infested crawlspaces or taking advantage of looping bottomless pits*. We decided this should be the premise for a video game. You win when you find your way out and your mom gives you a hug and a sandwich.

I'm waiting out a rainstorm in Barriques. They'll be closing in about 10 minutes. But the rain seems to have stopped. Time to bike to Sara's.