date: 2017-05-19 (Friday)
subject: Things to do
tags: emotional-floatiness

Things to do - 2017-05-19 (Friday) - Entry 1463 - TOGoS's Journal

Work #1: I helped Nick do a thing, and I helped Don do a thing, and I merged Don's stuff, and Nick's stuff it turns out we don't really need to do that right now anyway, so we're tabling it.

Work #2: I want to refactor terrain generation so that I can play with different algorithms. Everything seems unnecessarily coupled together right now. Next time I go through it I should take note of my thoughts and e-mail them to Kube (and Rseding).

I might do that this weekend, but I might not. Because I'm on vacation.

I also might go support the ATT workers' strike. If I feel like it.

Oh yeah, I was going to write about feeling floaty/uprooted/detached. I think it's because I've taken on too many things at once, but also because those things specifically involve a bit of confused floating around by their very nature. Those things being

Because I'm taking over both of those things.

I messaged Teddy that (A) I'm on vacation, but (B) my contribution to Sunday's discussion (in reference to MB87) is that "The great social breakthrough of our time will come when someone finds a way to balance informing people of how to effectively fix the world while not coming off as paternalistic (and/or offensive)."

Other stuff to do:

That's all I can think of. Apparently my thoughts are all to-do lists. Also I just ate some Chunky Monkey ice cream.

Okay, time to go home.