date: 2017-06-24
subject: Walmart

Walmart - 2017-06-24 - Entry 1471 - TOGoS's Journal

There was this dungeon. It was under one of those small boring office buildings, across the street from a Walmart. A big group of us were going to go down into the dungeon, but Han Solo had somehow got himself stranded down there all alone. Maybe the group he was with had all gotten killed by monsters.

Meanwhile I was still up on the ground floor, looking at computers and racks of dungeon exploration gear. I left and walked several blocks to the area near my work. There was a RadioShack there, and somewhere a hardware store, another RadioShack, and of course CVS. I think I was looking to buy some rope at the hardware store, but I always got sucked into RadioShack. During this time I was carrying on conversations with a few friends via SMS, trying to get them to meet up with me and help out with the dungeon situation, and asking if they knew which was a good shop for buying rope. By the time I got to the second RadioShack I realized that I was wasting a lot of time walking this way and still had a ways to go if I was trying to get to my office, so I turned around. My new plan was to go buy a lot of shotgun shells at Walmart and head down into the dungeon myself to rescue Han. But first I had to get out of this shop I was in, and I was buying something. A friend showed up; maybe it was Sara. As I went to pay for the thing I found that I only had a 7$ bill. And thinking on that for a minute, I remembered something that I had told myself the other day, "if something seems really off, you might be dreaming". And I realized that I was dreaming, because who ever heard of 7$ bills? I told my friend this and she smiled. But I was kind of into this plan of mine and wanted to carry through with it, so I didn't try to wake up or change anything, but continued towards Walmart.

I never got to the shooting-monsters part. Must've woken up.

I'd been planning on going to help SA at the farmers' market but by the time I felt like I'd gotten enough sleep it was past noon, so I just went and worked on programmable-noise (Factorio branch) all day. Now I'm staying overnight at church with the homeless people in case there's an emergency.

I want to get this programmable-noise thing doing something useful before I show up in Prague.

I like my Kindle.

My mouth when I'm trying to eat less: "Why am I not chewing something? I know there's food around here somewhere."