date: 2017-07-19T21:20:10+02:00
tags: back-to-school-dreams

2017-07-19T21:20:10+02:00 - Entry 1475 - TOGoS's Journal

Rented a bike and ride down the river a ways, along the west shore on Saturday, and down the East shore on Sunday (with some additional switching back and forth on the way back each time). On Sunday I stopped a couple times to sew my 'Kube strap' onto my backpack, once at the top of a hill overlooking the river, and another along the east river shore path. I turned around at the E80 bridge, where I crossed over to the west side. It's an interesting bridge because:

I've been feeling a bit better (less homesick, less aimless) since the weekend of bike rides. Possible reasons:

I dreamt about still being in college part-time. Doing some grad program. Wondered who was paying for it. Are my parents still covering this? I hope not; I have my own money now, so I should be paying. There was some feeling of aimlessness, wondering what I'm doing with my life, then remembering that I'm working on Factorio and that's awesome (because the fact that I'm working on Factorio at all implies that I've got my life together).

That's what's insane about people who argue trickle down [economics works]. Clearly its not fucking trickling.

Do people who believe in trickle down economics actually believe it or are they just fucking dicks? Because some of them that I've talked to are very smart, and it's so simple a 5 year old could understand it.

"I'm going to give betsy more candy than you because she already has more so she's more likely to give it back to you"

"But she has more because you keep giving her more"


-- Justin, whom I stayed up way too late talking to.