date: 2017-09-17
subject: Harkonnen's Voxel Tree Generator, Black Puffy Blossom

Harkonnen's Voxel Tree Generator, Black Puffy Blossom - 2017-09-17 - Entry 1486 - TOGoS's Journal

Harkonnen had made an awesome voxel to generator. Tree trunks had nice bark texture and moss/lichen.

I had software on my computer that livestreamed me talking. I would accidentally leave it in while mumbling to myself while working in the middle of the night and only realize that I was saying incriminating things (so and so is a jerk) when notified that someone had logged off.

Was camping with Sara closer to home. Made a trip back to the house to get something that I wanted. Because Dodgeville was pretty close already and that's where we were out only another stop it two over. Was worried about cats, so making sure they were all feed. Yoru and Alvin both escaped or the front door and I was like I guess they'll just have to love outside until I get back because apparently I was in a hurry to get going again. Then I was visiting Becky's dogs. They still had 4 but one of them was a black, fatter version of Blossom (also no eyes).

Other notes

Maybe I should make my game ideas a open source project and try to get people to contribute.

Want to split game libraries, esp core simulation context and rendering.