date: 2017-09-19
subject: Bernie Sanders Wins Some Primary and Alt-Renee

Bernie Sanders Wins Some Primary and Alt-Renee - 2017-09-19 - Entry 1487 - TOGoS's Journal

There was a Democratic primary for president and Bernie Sanders had won it. I was super pumped because I knew he was going to wipe the floor with whoever he ran against, especially if it was stupid Trump again.

I was working for a lady who was doing geological research under the ocean. This required a robot that could cut cores out of the rock, and I was going to help program something related to this. I imagined the robot having to cut horizontally through like a coral reef or something in order to get to the rock. She was a good person so I liked working for her. Also she knew something about installing glass in door frames (as in a sent of the frame of was a transparent material; I don't know what the point of this was or what was to go in the frame). I remember having to state to someone that I didn't really want the screws in the frames we had already installed in my house (in the dream this was my parents' house), but that we had done them that way because I thought they were needed.

Renee was over for dinner with my parents. Except that wasn't Renee, it was a different friend whose name started with "M", but it was basically Renee. But then Renee was coming over, too, and when I met her out in the driveway she was wearing a bunch of makeup to make her face look rosy and it made her look weird.

Something about different ways to walk into this stadium-shaped canyon/valley place where MASH and Star Trek would be watched. I thought about VCRs and my preference for one show over the other.

Pictures from some party if been at. Someone was wearing a wedding dress. I think she ran into some trouble later, like got kidnapped or something (and eventually escaped to tell about it) but otherwise I didn't remember who those people in the picture were.

There was this guy who was around for some reason as I was working for the ocean geology lady and bring excited about Bernie. He was depressed and maybe suicidal. I felt bad for him at first but then learned that he had tried to make a business selling pork sandwiches in some country where nobody are pork, and since that was stupid and arrogant and purposely exacerbating pig hell I didn't care as much that he was depressed.

Other notes

Was thinking it might be good to write down my ideas for game thing as like a Kickstarter page. "If I raise 100k$ I'll quit my job and work on this full time"