date: 2017-11-14
tags: sa-trip-dreams, pig-dreams

2017-11-14 - Entry 1497 - TOGoS's Journal

I was on some road trip with SA folks. I was at a gas station in some small town. I needed a thumb drive but wasn't finding one there, so I went out for a walk. Not finding any thumb drives anywhere else, I was on my way back to where we were staying or where we had parked.

On my right was a large warehousey building that I had noticed on the way out but now was taking a closer look at. In front of the building, instead of pavement of gravel, there was a thick layer of corn and wheat seeds on the ground. As if to say "this is the agriculture exposition building!". Why is this building so tall? I asked myself, and looking back at it, it was even taller than I'd remembered, based on the height of the wall compared to the height of the freight door. And if you come in their with a bunch of farm animals, how do you move them up to the top floors?

And then, as if to answer that question, I was inside that building with a small group of people, going up this weird lif thing; it was open to the rest of the room (which was large and empty and well lit) we had a bunch of pigs with us, but they were in a cage thing that was built into the lift. The lift was a platform with a short circular track on a slant with a car on it, which we all rode in. The car had to revolve along the track, but we didn't want to scare the pigs by having the gravity vector changing under them, so to make it 'easier' I swung the car around all quick. I almost pinched one of the pigs' ears while closing a door before doing this. I was kind of afraid the centripital force between the car and the track would break off the little wheely guide thing that held us on, but it did not and nobody died and the pigs didn't freak out too hard and the swinging-around was successful.

There was another drean that I barely remember, exept for a part where I was hanging out with Renee on the second floor of my country house, looking out the window as other family members walked across the yard.