date: 2017-11-13
subject: Extradimensional saviors
current-music: Ranger Randy
tags: city-superposition-dreams

Extradimensional saviors - 2017-11-13 - Entry 1496 - TOGoS's Journal


I was dating Wonder Woman. Or the actress who player her. Then she got some ugly tattoo on her back and I was like "this isn't going to work out". I think the relationship didn't have that much going for it to begin with. Meanwhile I was biking around on sidewalks and crossings on John Nolen Drive, except the buildings downtown were all wrong. What kind of portal did I bike through that brought me to alternate Madison?

I forget how this one started, but someone figured out that we were being contacted by extradimensional beings, and that they were encoding messages in the light from stars. There were groups of people on Earth who wanted to meet them, and one day there was a 'fire hurricane' that came down and got smaller and smaller until it was just big enough to engulf those people. Since the extradimensional beings existed outside of time and space (and I don't remember how I figured that), I wondered why they needed to destroy those people when they copied their consciousness into their dimension, or if there was actually any physicality to the 'moving' of their consciousness at all. I decided that they did it to avoid breaking our narratives about consciousness, since having these people's minds forking or existing simultaneously in our world would make us unnecessarily confused about things. With their new powers they could come back any time, assuming they wanted to. I wished I had gone with them and stood around in the place where they had been, but I knew I had missed the opportunity.

The feeling I had in this dream was one of relief that there was someone watching out for us who had it all figured out. It was kind of like the feeling I had in the ice highway dream, where some cataclysmic event had wiped out a lot of civilization, but that was in the past and we had been able to keep our technology and were being better people, this time.