date: 2018-02-12
subject: Hardware

Hardware - 2018-02-12 - Entry 1513 - TOGoS's Journal

Images of T-channel aluminum framing flashed through my head as I was going to sleep.

Yesterday (11th) morning I dreamt that our new single-GPU rig had this 3-dimensional fan thing sticking out the top. Like a fan with a cylinder of multi-colored paper flaps attached around it so that the whole thing would spin and the flaps would look pretty. I don't remember what the point of all that was, but at some point while we (me, Joh, Renee) were working on something else the spinny thing started smoking and I was like "oh no guys it's smoking!" I shut it down and took off the spinny part, and under it was a burnt TO-220 voltage regulator. Well at least it's not an expensive part to replace, but it was annoying because now I have to figure out what's wrong with my wiring that destroys voltage regulators.