date: 2018-03-31
subject: Ideally we'd just have workshop night 24/7
tags: work-dreams, forklift-dreams, emotional-floatiness, weekend-work-dreams

Ideally we'd just have workshop night 24/7 - 2018-03-31 - Entry 1525 - TOGoS's Journal

What am I supposed to be doing with myself? Is the question for today. Which is a little bit silly on its face because I have a to-do list a mile long. But something seems a little out of whack. Is it that same floatiness / unsuredness of purpose that I was feeling a year ago? Did I ever figure out what that was about?

I think in my ideal world we would just have workshop night like every day because I always miss my friends when I'm not with them but I also want to be working on projects all the time.

-- What I just said to Renee

Last night I left work to eat dinner with the folks. I stuck around to sit with Heather so Mom and Dad could go for their walk, since they were worker-less. During that time I tried to get my new work laptop set up, but that was mostly floundering. I came home and realized there was a lot of around-the-house automation I wanted to make happen, but I didn't really know where to start. Sara came home and we played Minecraft for a bit.

This morning I dreamt that it was Friday evening and I was trying to do some work for EIT. It was like I was working from my own workshop, if my own workshop was a circular room with a hallway to the bathroom coming off one side. I was talking to other people, but it may have been entirely online. I was kind of floundering. I wasn't really getting anything done, and I felt like I was supposed to be somewhere else or with someone or working on something else. Actually I explicitly did want to be working on Factorio, and asked myself if, since I worked on EIT stuff tonight (or at least attempted to), maybe I would spend Saturday working on Factorio, to which I replied "it's the weekend! You don't need to do work!"

So I think I should try to spend more time with friends on weekends, and more time outside, and get more exercise.

There was another dream about a long-armed articulated forklift picking up palettes and whipping them at this building. Some guy (in the building) fought back by grabbing the prongs to ride back, and almost lost his grip. I wondered how he managed to hang on at all.

Reading about what lonely people do on weekends makes me want to do work.

Today I have things to do; I just need to focus on and do them.