date: 2018-07-16
subject: Boring dreams

Boring dreams - 2018-07-16 - Entry 1552 - TOGoS's Journal

First night in Prague we were very tired and collapsed a lot. I had some dreams which mostly revolved around me working on stuff in the workshop while Kata and Tyler and Renee and maybe some others were around. I was probably trying to make some jigs to make gridbeam, and it seemed like it would be boring to them. They kept sticking around and watching me, though.

There was one part where I was talking to Renee about some chocolate cereal and something about it was really funny. Or maybe it was something about cats.

There was a part where I was in a car with some people. We were parked. My very fuzzy memory of it is a dirt road that came to a T with a blue-green-painted corrugated metal building. Maybe it was the gridbeam factory.